Action Plan for The Duration

1.    Detox from News. Whips up anxiety

2.    Do Yoga stretches. Action good for all of body.

3.    Dance to Elvis, Johnny Cash, or 20th century musical favorites. Or Beatles!

4.    Do not go into deep psychological exploration of anxiety, etc.

5.    Watch comedy stuff on Netflix.

6.    Eat whatever you want. Future is not option for me. Do not consider.

7.    SERENITY PRAYER essential. Stay in RIGHT NOW.

8.    Really read great book you say you’ve read.

9.    Eat something that is not nutritious once every week. Something that reminds you of fun.

10.Write list for who gets what. (And who is not to get what.)

11.Write any story you know, or you’re not supposed to ever tell; this will ease tensions (we have to have some outlet.)

12.List 12 Gratitude things or thoughts every morning.

13.Keep pen and paper by bed. (Write note to Dream keeper for dream you’d like (or someone you miss maybe) write image of dreaming and have as you wake up. (You’ll be surprised.)